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The software allows you to seamlessly connect to remote desktops, notebooks, and servers. DameWare Mini Remote Control Full allows you to control remote systems, chat with end-users, transfer files, and so on in a single application. It has been used for more than a dozen years by millions of IT admins, system admins, home users, and more. The DameWare Mini Remote Control (DMRC) program is loaded with numerous features to help IT professionals get the most out of remote control connectivity. Unlike other Remote Control programs, the installation of the Mini Remote Control Client Agent does not replace any existing Operating System files, which also eliminates the need for a. DameWare Mini Remote Control Limitations: The 30-day trial version is fully functional and free technical support is available via email both during and after the evaluation period. Related searches: dameware mini remote control - 400 dameware mini remote control. DameWare Mini Remote Control security information.